Sanchaya Services

Income Tax Slab as per Nepalese labor law in Nepal 2024/2025 (2081/2082)

As Nepal enters the fiscal year 2024/2025 (2081/2082), significant updates to the income tax regulations are set to impact both individuals and businesses. This article provides a comprehensive overview of the newly revised income tax slabs and a detailed breakdown for individuals and couples, reflecting various income levels and corresponding tax rates.

Income tax Slab Rate

Accessed as Individual
Income Level (NPR)Tax Rate FY 2081/82
Upto 5,00,0001% *
Next 2,00,00010%
Next 3,00,00020%
Next 10,00,00030%
Next 30,00,00036%
Above 50,00,00039%
Accessed as Couple
Income Level (NPR)Tax Rate FY 2081/82
Upto 6,00,0001% *
Next 2,00,00010%
Next 3,00,00020%
Next 9,00,00030%
Next 30,00,00036%
Above 50,00,00039%


1. Natural person working in remote areas is entitled to get a deduction from taxable income to a maximum of Rs. 50,000. 

2. A Resident natural person who has procured life insurance and paid the premium amount thereon shall be entitled to a deduction of the actual annual insurance premium or Rs. 40,000 whichever is less from annual  taxable income. 

3. A Resident natural person who has procured Health Insurance and paid the premium amount thereon shall be entitled to a deduction of the actual annual insurance premium or Rs. 20,000 whichever is less from annual taxable income. 

4. In the case of the female employee whose taxable income is only from employment then a 10% rebate is allowed on tax liability.

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